People are definitely looking for small bathroom ideas, judging by the fact that tens of thousands of people are searching for that term each month. Does that mean homes and therefore bathrooms getting smaller? You’d think so, but it depends on whom you ask. It’s easy to do a Google search and find headlines declaring both. Some articles say Americans are demanding smaller houses while others claim homes are about to be upsized. With that kind of disconnect, no one can say for sure.
What we can say for sure is people are looking for small bathroom ideas. In addition, we can safely predict there will be some kind of trend toward smaller homes (and therefore bathrooms) because we have record numbers of baby boomers set to retire, and many of them will want to downsize to smaller, easier-to-care-for homes. We also have Millennials who can’t afford a big house, and a movement among Americans who are tired of the expense and hassle of maintaining a big house and long for something more, or they’re tired of long commutes and want to buy a smaller townhouse closer to work.
All of those facts add up to one sure thing: More of us will probably be looking for small bathroom ideas in the near future.
As a semi-custom cabinet company well-versed in both kitchen and bathroom design, we decided to proactively speak to this trend by drawing on previous posts we’ve published. You’re sure to find helpful information in at least one of these if it’s small bathroom ideas you’re after:
- Learn what’s hot in bathroom design in 2018. A small bathroom doesn’t have to be a blah bathroom. These design trends can help you maximize your space and make that small bathroom a room you enjoy.
- These tips for designing or remodeling a guest bathroom can be a big help when planning a smaller bathroom—since guest bathrooms tend to be smaller! Tips include using semi-custom cabinets to maximize storage space and keep clutter at bay and choosing smaller versions of everything from the sink to the lighting to give the room the sense that it’s larger.
- Make sure you choose a bathroom color that adds to your home’s resale value, if you think your smaller home (and bathroom) are only for the short-term.
- Get tips on how to set—and stick with—a bathroom remodel budget.
Whether you’re looking for small bathroom ideas because you’re downsizing, building a vacation home with limited space, or adding a guestroom to your existing house, you’re sure to find design ideas galore in these posts. And if not, just keep watching this space!